Thursday, February 26, 2009

Point of Thought #3: Do You Suck?

I recently heard about a new product called Baconnaise. Like it sounds, it is a combination of the two healthiest food staples; bacon and mayonnaise. Now, I really don’t have a strong opinion about this product from a nutrition or health standpoint. If there’s a market for Baconnaise, so be it; let it stay on the shelves despite however gross it sounds.

Should there be a Surgeon General’s Warning on it? Probably not. Although Baconnaise has not (yet) been declared a carcinogen, I could not like it for a myriad of reasons: environmental, health, animal rights just to spurt off a few.

I am protesting it based off of one simple reason. This is their slogan:

“Everything should taste like Bacon.”

Their slogan sucks.

A potential client, boss or significant other could look past all of your facial tattoos, rotten breath and poor manners. “Yeah his/her hair smelt like a wet dog but they seem really genuine and motivated.” This person could look past everything that makes you self conscious, as the fictional “100% unbiased” person should do. However, you could throw it all away because your personal slogan sucks.

What’s your personal slogan? It could mean all the difference, so I hope it doesn’t suck.

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